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​A B O U T   O U R   L I B R A R Y

The Library Association of Warehouse Point, founded in 1811 and incorporated in 1879,  is a private, non-profit library association serving as the principal public library for the town of East Windsor, Connecticut.  The mission of the Association...shall be devoted to literary, educational, scientific, cultural and historical purposes. The Library Association of Warehouse Point promotes freedom to read and freely chose from all sources of information and knowledge provided in the Library collection. The Association will provide resources adequate to serve the varied needs of its patrons.

The library in 1963
Warehouse Point Library entrance

The Library was started in 1811 and incorporated in 1879.  Townspeople paid 50 cents a year to subscribe until a legacy in 1909 allowed the Library  to become "free".  Another in 1919 helped solidify the economic standing of the Library, but it became truly self-sufficient  in 1936 through a large bequest by Josephine Barber.


With a very generous bequest from Lawrence Price at the time of his death in 1961, the Library built a 5000 sq. ft. addition, which allowed us to function as a modern library.  


The addition of the Jane Dewey Ferris Memorial Wing in 1991 allowed expansion of non-fiction and reference collection, along with improved study areas and in recent years public computer use.


In recent years, a donation by the family of Evelyn E. Ulsen and grant money from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has allowed the Library to upgrade the Community Room including a projection television, movie screen, sound system, and Internet access.

Warehouse Point Library in 1800
Warehouse Point Library in 1900
Warehouse Point Library in 1940
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